Friday 17 December 2010 @ 10:16 am
UPDATE! It was a thrilling race in the charity auction for the new RED STATE poster “The Sons” with both @PussyEatingClub & @xcinc going neck-&-neck for awhile at $1500. The chow-hounds at the deliciously-named PussyEatingClub took the lead and won with a $1700 bid… but XCinc called down the thunder with an $1800 bid that wasn’t spotted ’til after the auction closed! Offered a different poster at their winning bid of $1800, the good folks on @xcinc agreed! So now you’ll be able to see not just one, but two new RED STATE posters: “The Sons” (last in our The Father, The Sons, The Holy Ghost series) over at pussyeatingclub.com – as well as the first in our second series of RED STATE character posters, viewable over at Xcellent Creations. This poster features Hollywood Babble-On’s @RalphGarman! You can read the entire auction over at my Twitter feed (roll back to around 11am pst for the start). The whole hour was lots of fun & a nice bit of coin was raised for The Kenny Gordon Foundation – a charity that’s very personal to RED STATE producer Jon Gordon. Big thanks to all who played, watched, or spread the word! —————————— You don’t have to be a movie website to play: HIGHEST BIDDER wins the exclusive online hosting rights (’til RED STATE’s release)! Stick it on your website, blog, Twitter page background – wherever! But whenever someone runs it, they’ve gotta get it from you! This week’s poster is entitled “The Sons.” All the loot raised from this auction goes to The Kenny Gordon Foundation – and RED STATE producer @TheJonGordon (Kenny’s brother) has pledged to match the highest bid with donation funds. The last auction was not only fun to play in, it was also fun to watch, so feel free to lurk & look. Buy yourself some internet popularity while helping out a great cause! Submit all bids to @ThatKevinSmith starting at 10am pst! Good luck! CommentsNo comments yet. RSS feed for comments on this post. Leave a commentSorry, the comment form is closed at this time. ![]()