Friday 14 October 2005 @ 3:55 pm
Back when we were making “Clerks”, there was so little to worry/care about beyond making the flick itself. Now, in the age of the internet, the playing field has changed considerably. As quiet as we’ve been able to keep the details of the flick, all it takes is one joker with a camera to spoil the virgin viewing of the flick for anyone with access to a computer. So I’m gonna be that joker. We’ve had a few snipers with cameras lurking around the set, so rather than let them get images of our flick out there, I’d rather do it myself. I’m gonna burn down this village to save it. Suck that I’ve gotta do it, but then again, maybe it doesn’t. So here’s a pic of our movie that kinda lets the cat out of the bag (somewhat)… (pictured left to right: Trevor Fehrman, Brian O’Halloran, Rosario Dawson, Jeff Anderson) Based on this image, I’ll pre-answer some of the queries I can already hear buzzing through your heads: Does this tell the whole story? No. Is our movie “Waiting 2″? No. What about Quick Stop? What about it? Is it still in there? Of course. Is there a God? Yes. It’s either a Supreme Being who crafted the universe and plots all our moves outside of the free will choices we make, or Clapton. I lean toward the former – especially after shooting “Clerks 2″ for the last week. Because God’s been good to us – inasmuch as, thus far, it’s a funny, wonderful-looking film. The performances of the main cast have been tight and spot-on, and the day players have been great as well. I don’t know if the flick’ll live up to anyone else’s expectations, but it’s sure as fuck met and exceeded mine (I should point out, however, that as a fat man, I maintain very low expectations when it comes to anything in life but lard-based food). Can’t wait to share it with ya’ll. Back to work for me. P.S. – Here’s a pic of our location that I’d posted earlier in the week, at www.viewaskew.com… —————— 10/14/05 I wake up, shower, and head downstairs to the set, setting up the first shot of the day. When I emerge, I see Schwalbach, already awake, and standing on her balcony. She joins me downstairs and we do a post-fight wrap up, while Dave and company shoot some inserts that don’t involve the actors. I get Schwalbach fed and pumped with coffee, and head in to the set to shoot some Dante and Randal stuff. After setting up the next shot, I head upstairs to find Jen, Chay, Jay and Trevor hanging out in Mewes room. I tell Jen I’ve got about twenty minutes, and we immediately retire to her dressing room, where we fuck for fifteen of those twenty minutes. Then, we chit-chat a bit, and I head back down to the set, a few ounces lighter. Most of the day is spent shooting the back exterior scene with Jeff, Brian, Rosario, Jay and I. It’s a steadi-cam shot, and Brian and Jeff tear it up – resulting in a funny, tight, good-looking scene. At day’s end, we grab a pair of insert shots we owed from Monday, and at wrap, I take the cast and crew out to Medieval Times for a wrap-of-first-week-of-shooting celebration. Afterwards, we head back to the motel, where I show Rosario’s boyfriend Jason all the cut scenes, and then Jen and I head back to Los Angeles, getting to sleep in our own bed. Comments»The URI to TrackBack this entry is: http://silentbobspeaks.com/wp-trackback.php?p=187 No comments yet. RSS feed for comments on this post. Leave a commentLine and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed, HTML allowed: ![]()