What could be better than free?
Monday 9 April 2007 @ 8:34 am

And SModcast = free!

SModcast 9: Red, White, But Never Blue, eh.

In which our heroes pitch Canada on a new national slogan, suck off “Grindhouse”, predict a world gone mad in which the deaf prey on the blind, figure out that “Planet of the Apes” was more than an hour long, delve further into Scott’s home(s) and garden, revisit the skittish Wolfie, tell a tale of cross-breed passion betwixt a giant Yellow Lab and a miniature Dachshund, define the human cassolette, reveal dental hygiene as foreplay in the Smith household, pinpoint the time of day they’re more likely to couple, brainstorm an exercise regiment that’s predicated on murder, and find themselves troubled by the notion of fun.

Stop reading this and download that shit right now, then come back and let me know what you think.

Brought to you by Kevin, Scott, and the good folks at…

(Also available through an iTunes Subscription.)


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