Thursday 21 April 2005 @ 11:30 pm
- I wake up around 9:30, and Jen’s already taken Harley to school. She’s upstairs checking email on her laptop when I find her. We sit around the living room and bicker for awhile, and then kiss and make-up. - We find Mewes in the kitchen, playing some UB. We chit-chat for a bit, then head downstairs and cuddle for a bit on the couch before I remember that my wardrobe fitting for “Catch & Release” is in a half hour. I look out the window and find Tish and Karin (the wardrobe chicks) already here, sitting in their car. I tell ‘em to come up, and Jen heads into the shower. - This is the first time I’ve ever had a wardrobe fitting, really. On some of our stuff, I’d try on a shirt or two (“Dogma” particularly), but since my Silent Bob get-up never really changes, a long fashion show is never required of me. This time it’s different: I’m in 3/4 of the movie, so there are lots of options required, hence the hour and change we spend going through clothes. I’ve been dreading this, because – I don’t know if anyone’s ever noticed this, but – I have, like, two outfits that I ever wear, really. The prospect of new clothes – clothes that may not fit me as well as the clothes I enjoy wearing do – doesn’t really make me hard. But Tish and Karin make it a painless process, and pretty soon, I’m actually enjoying myself, digging out what a more “granola” (the flick’s set in Colorado) version of me might wear. - Tish and Karin leave, and I get into the shower. As I finish, Jen comes home from Bristol Farms (she left while I was doing the fitting) with some filet mignon and side dishes. As I dry off, I play some more UB until the door phone rings, heralding the arrival of Zach Braff. I tell him to head upstairs, buzz him in, and throw some clothes on. - I join Zach upstairs, then – at his request – give him the house tour. When we’re done, we head back up to the kitchen where I prep the steaks and we talk about his being “Punk’d”, as well as a bunch of other topics. - While I grill, we chit-chat some more – mostly about his blog and this website. Once the steaks are done, we head to the dining room to eat and talk about “Garden State”, Natalie Portman, and all things “Fletch.” - As we finish, Mewes comes upstairs, balancing his laptop and cell phone. He says hi to Zach, then heads off deep into the living room to play UB while Zach and I finish up. I’ve met him before, of course (on the “Declare Yourself” PSA’s), but this is the most time I’ve gotten to spend with him. He’s an excellent guy. - The “Garden State”-er gives me his email address, and he’s off. I call Mewes downstairs and we go into my office to play some UB: him on his laptop and me on my desk top. While we’re playing, Jen comes home from going shopping with Harley after school, before her gymnastics class. I’m told that I’m on Harley pickup, post-gymnastics, so twenty minutes later, I’m in the car, heading to grab the kid. - Thanks to the Hellish L.A. traffic patterns, I’m about seven minutes late. I’m handed a bawling Quinnster, who’s the last kid to get picked up (what kind of anal-ass parents are there before class ends, making a brother look bad? sheesh…). I apologize to the quiveriny, crying mass of tears and red cheeks that is my daughter, and we head for some ice cream (first at the food store, then at the ice cream parlor Mashti Malone’s). - We get home, and Harley says hi to Jen, then heads off to play with Reyna. I sack out on the bed, watching TiVoed “Simpsons” and “Law & Order”s with Jenny while playing UB, until she moseys off to collect Harley and give her a bath. Phil Raskind calls, and we talk about the post-”Catch” and “Clerks” schedule ’til Jen and Harley return. They read books together, and then Jen puts Harley down on the couch. My gig is to stay with her in the room ’til she falls asleep, so I hang out on the bed, playing some UB. Twenty minutes later, I’m hearing the angelic snores of the slumbering heir to the Smith fortune, so I head upstairs to join Jen in the living room. We opt for some fine 80′s cheese: “Dynasty”, Season One. Jen’s never seen an episode, but I was raised on it (Mom was an avid watcher back in the day). We cuddle up and watch the Carringtons for an hour before we get up from cuddle-zone – Jen to smoke and me to check email – still deep into a pilot episode that never seems to end. - Around 11, we opt to head downstairs for some TiVo and sleep. We cuddle for a bit during “Simpsons”, until Jen’s more or less asleep. Then, I play UB ’til I fall asleep mid-game. CommentsThe URI to TrackBack this entry is: http://silentbobspeaks.com/wp-trackback.php?p=26 No comments yet. RSS feed for comments on this post. Leave a commentSorry, the comment form is closed at this time. ![]()