Last time we had a signing at one of our Stashes, it was just me.
This time, I’m bringing some friends…
If you loved Randal and Elias, how the fuck can you not be here? So far, it’s just Jeff, Trevor and me. Who knows who might be added later (probably Mewes, maybe others…)? But here’s your chance to pick up the “Clerks II” and “Evening Harder” DVD’s, as well as Jeff Anderson’s directorial debut, “Now You Know” (also starring Jeff and Trevor) – and get ‘em all signed! Just in time for fucking Christmas, no less!
Just a heads-up: back in August, at the East Coast signing, we had a bit of a crowd…
Video from the August East Coast Stash signing.
Fair warning: while I doubt we’ll have 2000 folks showing up for this signing as well (it ain’t summer, and we ain’t on the East Coast), it’d still be a good bet to get there as early as possible.
You’ve got a little less than two weeks. Start making travel plans!