Much ado about nothing, over some shit I said in the UPenn Q&A…
All stemming from the same poorly-worded story. All insisting I’m still harping on Reese when it was in response to a question. All treating it like it’s new info, when the Reese story alone’s been around for five years, online…
And in print…
Lots of folks in TalkBacks teeing off on me as being irrelevant or unfunny, which other cats in the real world, not cyber-snipers, apparently disagree with. The great irony is, the TalkBack people on the blog/gossip sites are taking me to task for being a gossip. Kettle, I call thee black.
Also, I’m being called “egocentric”. Anyone who’s ever seen the “Evening with Kevin Smith” dvd knows how very little ego I have, as I spend far more time blasting myself than other people.
Lots of sound and fury signifying nothing. The sun still rises and sets, I’ve still got a job, “Clerks II” is still coming out on August 18th, at which point some folks will go see it, some folks won’t, some will dig it, and some will hate on it.
Same as it ever was.