- The dogs start getting restless at 7:20. Jen and I play the “You let ‘em out”/”No, you are the one who should let the dogs out…” game for a minute or two before I lose and hoof it up the stairs to let the dogs out.
- I head to the bathroom to shit, check email, and update the diary.
- I switch from laptop to desktop and continue with the email and board stuff. Over on iChat, Walt and I go over some light Stash East refurbishments I wanna do.
- Jen gets up late and we hang out with Harley for a bit. She’s still feeling under the weather, so she’s gonna rest up today. I shower and Jen and I head to Quizno’s for lunch.
- Afterwards, I drop Jen off at the doctor’s and I cruise over to Laser Blazer for the new DVD’s. Following that, I stop by a newsstand and pick up the latest Empire magazine.
- I pick up Jen and we head back to the house. She runs in and grabs a dress she wants to have tailored, and we head over to the Valley to the cleaners. While Jen’s inside, I talk to Ernie O’Donnell on the cell about the Stash East refurbishments. Jen grabs some Coffee Bean and we head back home.
- I sack out in front of the TiVo and do some iChat biz while watching Jack McCoy bust some ass on “Law & Order.” Jen has a meeting about our poetry event in the living room with Daniella and Russell Milton, as dinner begins in the kitchen for me, Harley, Byron and Gail.
- In inhale a chicken breast and a cheese burger while we all chit-chat about our respective days. At the tail end of the meal, Malcolm and Andre come over. They grab some barbecue as well, while I take Harley into Jen to say goodnight. Quinnster heads downstairs with Nan and Pop while me, Malcolm and Andre head to my room to watch a new cut of their documentary, “Small Town/Gay Bar.” It’s some excellent, excellent stuff and we talk about the possible involvement of Norman Lear and the Sundance Channel.
- During the screening, Mewes comes home after a long day on the set of the new flick he’s doing. We talk about maybe going to the Bicycle Casino in Long Beach, but opt instead to get him some In & Out so he can crash with a DVD full of “Murder, She Wrote”s. Malcolm and Andre head off, and me and Mewes take a ride down to Sunset for a Double-Double, Animal Style. He tells me about the shoot and how it’s going on the flick, ’til we get home. He heads to his room and I head upstairs with some In & Out for Jen, whose meeting has ended. We fall asleep watching TiVo’ed “Simpsons.”